1.  Any student having ANY kind of cold or fever symptoms STAY HOME.

2.  Students only allowed inside. We encourage the parents to wait in the car.

3.  Mandatory Face Mask for All. Both Students and AV Taekwondo Staff Required

4.  Students are to come 5 minutes early to prepare for the following rules, no more, no less.

5.  No – touch Thermometer check Before Entering. We will take both Students and AV Taekwondo Staff’s temperature before entering. 99 Degrees and over will be sent home. No Exceptions

6. Both Students and AV Taekwondo Staff will be required to wash their hands before and After Class

We are following the California Department of Public Health safety guidelines.

We are limiting our class size to 16 students or fewer per class. Please call and reserve the class time you wish for your child to join. This is a first call first serve basis.

We have removed sparring from our schedule to adhere to the guidelines.

Fridays we are now offering Private Lessons ($30 for 30 minutes) as well as our Black Belt and Black Belt Club Demo Class. Please call us to schedule.
For parents who wish to keep their children home, we will have the Zoom stream of our regular class.

Our number one priority is to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. Everyone’s well-being is very important to us, as well as being a facility where we provide a positive environment, physical activity and giving people a break from the outside world.

We thank you for your understanding, and will do our best to keep everyone updated as much as possible, as more information becomes available.

If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to call, text or contact us at anytime.

AV Taekwondo Staff